Becoming a Successful Restaurant Owner – 3 Fantastic Tips

Whether you have owned a restaurant for ten days or ten years, you will know that the job is a hard one and that there is always room for improvement. In truth, different owners are unique and this means that one restaurant can run very differently to another and still see success. However, there are three key things that you need to do regardless of your style. As long as you get these three factors right, there is no reason why you can’t become a great owner.

1. Be Close to Staff

In any restaurant, the staff are the function that keeps it all ticking over. Even though you own the business and pay the staff, they are the ones running the show. Nowadays, it is easy for people to switch jobs in a flash so don’t lose them through ignorance. After learning the market, make sure you pay them as they would expect before then training them sufficiently. Although they might not admit it, all assistant chefs are dreaming of being head chefs whilst waiters want to become a manager one day. With this in mind, you can help them and improve their skill set by cross training.

At first, you need to ensure that they are fully trained in their chosen area. When the time is right, allow them to spread their wings a little and train in different areas. Not only will this boost their confidence, this can be very useful if someone phones in sick or leaves unexpectedly. Suddenly, you have staff trained in all different areas.

2. Choose Your Role

Before you go off deciding everybody’s role, spend some time defining your own. When you do this, you allow room for growth and the business becomes scalable because you will be ready to pass the reigns over whenever necessary. If you’re completely new to the restaurant business, be hands-on and willing to learn. Once you know everything about your restaurant, you can look at the bigger picture while your staff concentrate on the finer details and day-to-day running.

3. Value Your Customers

Without customers, you have no business. Even with the best decor, service, and food, you are still nothing without customers so you need to show every one of them that you appreciate their visit. Sadly, many people believe this is only achieved through compliments but all feedback is valuable. Whether you talk to them in person or ask for feedback online, see what they have to say because you might just see a suggestion that changes your business for the better.

In a recent interview, a world-famous chef once said that he doesn’t even listen to positive feedback. Although it is nice to hear, it is the negative feedback that allows improvement to be made. If a customer speaks negatively, work out what went wrong and find a way to fix it. Once you have learned a lesson or made a change, invite them back to see the improvement. Nowadays, every customer is important and it takes skill to turn a negative customer into a long-term repeat customer. If you achieve this skill, you will be in business for a long time.


As you may have noticed, we just covered the three vital factors of your business – your staff, your customers, and yourself. If you pay attention to these three tips, you will be well on the way to success!