Restaurants – How to Create a Successful Strategy Utilizing Technology

Restaurants – How to Create a Successful Strategy Utilizing Technology

For restaurants, technology is extremely useful and they have become more important as time has gone on. As with any other business, restaurants are always looking to become more efficient and save money; for example, taking orders is now nearly always technology rather than the old paper and pencil. However, many smaller restaurants still worry about technology because they find it hard to utilize the benefits without worrying about the many challenges.

Over the years, we have gained an understanding of the main concerns and want to address them in a brief guide here today. With technology, you do need to be careful or else face a costly experience trying to repair mistakes so we have compiled some useful tips down below.

Find the Balance – As you may have seen, new analytics systems allow you to review your business and customers in greater depth than ever before. With Big Data, you can schedule staff, look after stock, streamline the purchasing process, optimize your marketing, and complete other tasks in a more efficient manner.

However, sometimes this can also be a negative because restaurant owners can see nearly everything they could ever want and need within a couple of clicks or touches. Once you get hooked on the percentages and various numbers, it becomes harder to make sense of it all so you need to find the right balance. Rather than staying up all night looking at different numbers, you need to focus on the most important factors and data sets that you can control.

Help the Customers – Often, restaurants employ new technology at the cost of the customer experience but, it should go without saying, this is detrimental. As a restaurant owner, you know that your customers are perhaps the most important factor so technology should only ever be introduced if it improves their experience. For example, mobile ordering, an app, or a digital printing device will all make your service faster and more accessible so these would be a good addition. If you find something that does not benefit the customer, put it to one side and move on to technology that does offer this help.

Remember Compatibility – At all times, technology seems to be moving forward and this seems great at first. This being said, you still need to remember your current systems and keep in mind that not all technology has been built to work alongside other hardware of software. If you are researching new technology, make sure you check what you have currently so you aren’t left disappointed. When compatibility is an issue, it either leads to more purchases to make it right or trying to get a refund and neither of these are fun.

Data Security – For marketing purposes, collecting the data of customers is fantastic news because you can assess purchasing behaviors and send out targeted leaflets or emails. In terms of challenges, the biggest seems to be the fine line between looking after customer information and being silly and neglectful with it. If there is a data compromise in your systems, your business will lose money possibly in compensation but the biggest issue comes with the damage to your reputation. Once people learn that the information of customers has been leaked, you will lose trust and credibility for a long time moving forward.

Set Goals – Finally, you need to have goals with the introduction of technology and we have already seen one of the biggest with ‘enhancing the customer experience’. After this, it might be to improve scheduling or to cut costs. As long as you bear the customers in mind at all times, you can create a successful implementation plan so it all goes smoothly.

Ultimately, technology has been seen as something to support restaurants for many years. Now, however, we know that it can be a strategy and you can ensure smooth transition with these five tips. As long as you keep this information at the forefront of your thinking when looking for new technology, there is no reason why you can’t rise past the many challenges and concerns!

A Class in Crisis Management – Coping with Bad Reviews

A Class in Crisis Management – Coping with Bad Reviews

A feedback is very important for any business. Getting a feedback determines how you have been managing your clients, and where you stand. It also shows the worth of your services or products and if the customers are being pleased with what you are offering or not. Moreover, in a restaurant business, you need to make sure that you get a feedback about your food, to add or subtract anything needed.

Alas! A bad review is part of life. You have been serving the best food in your area for a long time. One day, a customer finds a hair in their favorite dish, or your waitress mixed orders and the customer got cranky. This is when the bad review makes its entry. On top of that, a review on a user-review platform, such as Yelp can make or break you.

So, what do you need to do? Start the firing and hiring process or worse, close the shop and head home? No! You need to make a crisis management strategy. Here is a sketch of what you need to do to deal with a bad review.

Learn the Nature of the Criticism:

First of all, you need to make sure you understand how intense the issue is. Read the review carefully, go through each and every incident described by the customer and make sure to read all the comments below the review. You need to make sure that you understand how offended the customer is. Pick up any tips you can see in the comments and try to solve the issue there and then.

Make Use of the Chance and Interact with Your Client:

Do your research. Make sure to find the background of the customer. If they are someone who are visiting your city or if they are from your city, deal with them differently. You need to make the most of every opportunity you get to interact with the customer. Call them back at the restaurant for a discounted meal or anything you can offer as an incentive.

Be Apologetic and Provide a Sensible Explanation:

Regardless that the complaint is sensible or not, make sure to acknowledge your mistake and apologize. It is your job to compensate the customer, no matter how outrageous they sound. Your success basically depends on how you are willing to improve. Hence, make sure to agree that you have made a mistake, apologize and learn from the experience.

Come Up with a Solution:

Once you are done with all the explanation, come up with a solution to the interest of both you, and the customer. Yelp maybe a huge platform for customers to leave their reviews, but there are other platforms customers may use. Keep all your social media platforms updated with anything new you are offering or whatever you have added to your inventory of food.

The Final Verdict:

The above mentioned list of crisis management technique is what you need to follow every time you get a bad review. Remember, you do not need to pack up and go home or fire anyone. You just need to calm down, understand the situation and come up with a smart solution.