Becoming a Successful Restaurant Owner – 3 Fantastic Tips



Becoming a Successful Restaurant Owner – 3 Fantastic Tips

Whether you have owned a restaurant for ten days or ten years, you will know that the job is a hard one and that there is always room for improvement. In truth, different owners are unique and this means that one restaurant can run very differently to another and still see success. However, there are three key things that you need to do regardless of your style. As long as you get these three factors right, there is no reason why you can’t become a great owner.

1. Be Close to Staff

In any restaurant, the staff are the function that keeps it all ticking over. Even though you own the business and pay the staff, they are the ones running the show. Nowadays, it is easy for people to switch jobs in a flash so don’t lose them through ignorance. After learning the market, make sure you pay them as they would expect before then training them sufficiently. Although they might not admit it, all assistant chefs are dreaming of being head chefs whilst waiters want to become a manager one day. With this in mind, you can help them and improve their skill set by cross training.

At first, you need to ensure that they are fully trained in their chosen area. When the time is right, allow them to spread their wings a little and train in different areas. Not only will this boost their confidence, this can be very useful if someone phones in sick or leaves unexpectedly. Suddenly, you have staff trained in all different areas.

2. Choose Your Role

Before you go off deciding everybody’s role, spend some time defining your own. When you do this, you allow room for growth and the business becomes scalable because you will be ready to pass the reigns over whenever necessary. If you’re completely new to the restaurant business, be hands-on and willing to learn. Once you know everything about your restaurant, you can look at the bigger picture while your staff concentrate on the finer details and day-to-day running.

3. Value Your Customers

Without customers, you have no business. Even with the best decor, service, and food, you are still nothing without customers so you need to show every one of them that you appreciate their visit. Sadly, many people believe this is only achieved through compliments but all feedback is valuable. Whether you talk to them in person or ask for feedback online, see what they have to say because you might just see a suggestion that changes your business for the better.

In a recent interview, a world-famous chef once said that he doesn’t even listen to positive feedback. Although it is nice to hear, it is the negative feedback that allows improvement to be made. If a customer speaks negatively, work out what went wrong and find a way to fix it. Once you have learned a lesson or made a change, invite them back to see the improvement. Nowadays, every customer is important and it takes skill to turn a negative customer into a long-term repeat customer. If you achieve this skill, you will be in business for a long time.


As you may have noticed, we just covered the three vital factors of your business – your staff, your customers, and yourself. If you pay attention to these three tips, you will be well on the way to success!

Preparing for the Holiday Season in Your Restaurant



Preparing for the Holiday Season in Your Restaurant

As we edge ever closer to December, we reach one of the busiest times of the year for restaurants. Whether you’re located within a shopping mall or you’re dealing with multiple end-of-year office meals, this is the time that could make or break your year. With a successful holiday season, surviving the next year becomes more comfortable and this provides more flexibility to try new things. With a poor holiday season, it could be a case of scraping through until next year.

Are you a little worried about how it’s going to go? If so, keep reading because we have advice that could help!

Prepare All Staff

For your business to excel at this time of year, your staff need to be prepared at the bar, in the kitchen, and when dealing with customers. Therefore, we recommend having a meeting so they know what’s expected of them over the coming weeks. For some, they’ll have to cope with additional hours and even increased responsibilities. For others, they’ll have adjusted systems and the mental preparation is often more important than anything else.

For most restaurants, they see their visitor numbers increase during the holiday season so it could also be a good idea to have staff offer suggestions to make their jobs more efficient. Since this benefits you both in terms of money earned over a single night, they’ll probably have some feedback. As a starting point, consider proactively handing out the bill, pre-lining bins with multiple bags, and suggesting specials when giving out the drinks to speed up thinking time.

Hire Seasonal Employees

Remember, you don’t need to hire new full-time staff just to get through the season (nor do you have to suffer with a team that’s too small just because you don’t want to hire!). Every year, there are people looking for seasonal work who expect to help over the holidays and then leave after New Year.

If this is your first year in business, it’s better to hire too many than not enough. If you have been in business for some time, think back to last year and learn from your mistakes. Do you need more people? Do you need larger numbers on certain days? Do you need to hire earlier so they’re better trained for the season?

Over-Ordering Could Be Important

Remember, your suppliers will shut down over the holiday season where you may continue so you need to factor this into your decision-making. If you’re to keep guests happy, it might be wise to over-order stock (especially for food with an extended date). Again, it’s a good idea to learn lessons from last year if you were forced to pull items from the menu or buy expensive emergency ingredients from elsewhere. While planning this, consider your most popular dishes and adjust your ordering accordingly.

Consider Takeaway Options

In the lead up to the holidays, the mind of many is already on the big Christmas feast so they’re more likely to order takeaway. In addition to this, diets are more likely to go by the wayside and ‘cheat days’ become common. If you don’t already, it might be worth exposing your restaurant to a takeaway menu. With some mobile apps these days, the company will take care of delivery on your behalf so all you need to do is sign up and order some takeaway packaging.

While adhering to the demands of customers, this also gives you a chance to trial a business expansion. If customers can order their food online, it eliminates errors and gives them a chance to order in a more relaxed manner so explore your options.

Seasonal Offers and Deals

Why should people visit your restaurant over every other this holiday season? When work starts to dwindle and holiday fever takes over, people generally throw themselves into the spirit so complement this with special seasonal dishes and offers. Whether it’s a special appetizer/desert or a ‘2 for 1’ dinner option before a certain time, give people a reason. If you offer this deal before seven o’clock, guests will come in after work and a busy restaurant will attract even more people in a self-fulfilling system.

Remain Positive

The minute you lose your cool, the team loses its concentration and the whole season can fall apart. We know, the holidays can be stressful when people are spending time with their families and you’re working away. However, you will be rewarded for dealing with tricky customers calmly and providing the best service possible.

As you stay positive, your team will do the same and you’ll all start to work for each other. If your team work especially hard, treat them to free drinks and maybe even a free dinner (if they don’t get this already) on their last shift before Christmas. Often, restaurant staff think owners and managers don’t understand the pressure they’re under during this busy time but you can prove them wrong.


Every day, we’re getting closer so prepare and everything will work out just fine. If you want to make next year even easier, make notes of your observations this year. Trust us, you’ll appreciate it even if it’s tough to find a minute during those busy days!

Why is Restaurant Employee Turnover So High? A Full Analysis



Why is Restaurant Employee Turnover So High? A Full Analysis

While there seems to be lots of misconceptions about the failure rate of restaurants these days, one thing we do know is that the employee turnover rate remains high. For one reason or another, whether students returning to college or employees seeking other challenges, the majority of people hired by restaurants move on quickly.

Considering the cost of recruitment isn’t exactly low, this is becoming a huge insignificance for restaurant owners. Let’s explore the issue some more and really find out why the turnover rate is so high!

Exploring the Truth

With a simple search online, you’re likely to come across all sorts of facts and figures, so let’s assess the real position of the current market. As a restaurant owner, you’re probably well aware that the turnover is much higher here than in the rest of the private sector.

In both the front and back-of-house, we know the value of good staff and having a high employee turnover rate prevents any sort of stability. There are lots of effects of a high employee turnover;

  • The staff who do stay get new colleagues every few weeks.
  • Managers can’t build their own team.
  • We’re constantly paying out for recruitment and training.
  • Customers get a different experience with every visit (they can’t build a rapport with a single server).

Thanks to the research of various agencies and industry experts, we’re able to analyze the industry and find the reasons for this problem (as well as potential solutions). For example, one finding was that turnover is inspired by role rather than pay or location. For managers and staff with more responsibility, they’re more likely to stay beyond a few weeks.

Reasons for High Employee Turnover


Of course, one of the industry’s biggest problems is the nature of the job. When it comes to the roles with less responsibility, they tend to be taken by high school students, college students, and those who have plans to go on to bigger and better things. After working through the summer, they’ll eventually go back to school or college and this is why turnover is, according to many sources, is noticeably higher in the third quarter of any given year.

Of all the seasonal jobs available during a calendar year, a significant number will be taken by students who are home temporarily and need to earn some money before going back to their studies.


Across the country, there seems to be a growing gap in pay. If we compare the South and West for example, the average wage for bar staff is much higher in the West than in the South. While many western municipalities and states have increased the minimum wage, those in the south haven’t had the same luck.

In 2019 and beyond, experts believe that this gap will continue to widen. In the Northeast and West, more and more states are increasing the minimum wage. Meanwhile, the southern states just aren’t doing the same and this causes frustration for workers.


Does service area affect the turnover rate? Yes, and we know this because the turnover rates in the Midwest are normally higher than in the West. Despite the importance of pay, role and position are considered to be even more important. If you compare the turnover rate of the different roles, those in a cashier position normally stay the shortest time while managers and supervisors stay the longest. Consistent across most regions, there’s a clear willingness to stay once responsibility has been received.

As we move forward, one thing has been made abundantly clear; it’s important for a kitchen to keep their staff. If we compare base pay for specific positions, the lowest and highest paid regions yielded a small difference per year for kitchen staff. Interestingly, the gap is actually smaller than the gap for management. In tight labor markets especially, an ability to hold onto staff could be the difference between success and failure.

Can we just increase the base pay and expect staff to stay longer? Unfortunately, it isn’t as easy as this because the correlation between employee turnover and pay increases is non-existent. Comparing staff who decided to stay and those who left, base pay wasn’t too different.

The Control of Restaurants

In a perfect world, we would have control over everything in the business world. Sadly, this isn’t a perfect world and there are things we can’t control.

Out of Our Control

As we’ve already discovered, lots of teens choose the restaurant industry as their first venture into the world of work. With this in mind, we can’t control;

  • The desire of teenagers to go on to brighter things. In fact, we can’t even control their choice to work in another restaurant when the season comes. Each summer, the job market is filled with vacancies in hospitality and restaurants especially.
  • The part-time nature of the industry. In order to remain flexible, having part-time staff is important. With too many full-time staff and a need to give them all hours, we’re left paying more money than we should on quiet evenings. With part-time contracts comes a lack of security and employees may find other jobs more attractive.

In Our Control

On the other hand, there are three things in our control that can affect labor turnover;

  • Conflict within the business. In such a high-pressure environment, there will be times where staff members or staff and management don’t get along. In order to resolve this problem, we recommend introducing an employee handbook so that all conflicts are resolved. What’s more, stay on top of employee engagement.
  • Low pay and hours. Though we said job role is more important for turnover, this doesn’t mean pay isn’t important at all. Compared to other industries, the restaurant niche is notorious for lower pay and long hours. We recommend familiarizing yourself with average wages and labor laws.
  • No clear career progression. We’ve seen that managers tend to stay longer, but how do new employees reach this holy land? Since most younger employees treat restaurants as an opportunity to earn money while they study, many restaurants will treat them as people simply passing through. In fact, if you show employees a clear path, they’re more likely to apply themselves. We advise having conversations with staff, checking in on their progress, and really learning their ambitions; many people in the past have gone from students with no interest of staying to supervisors, managers, and even restaurant owners.

In the restaurant industry, it’s almost in the culture that employees move job when they want to progress. Some sources believe around nine in ten people move to higher-paying jobs in the industry; to prevent this, staff management is essential and we’re going to look at some techniques to retain valuable staff.

Reducing Employee Turnover: Our Tips

Let’s just stop for a moment and think about the amount of money that a single employee can earn for us over the years. That is, of course, if they stay. In the next handful of years, you won’t change the culture of the industry because restaurant jobs will always be attractive for students. Yet, this doesn’t mean you should just accept an unbelievably high staff turnover.

When turnover is high, we spend most of our time training new employees and this costs us both time and money. Also, the customers are having to deal with ‘oh, it’s their first day’ every couple of weeks. If you want to take control and reduce this problem for your own restaurant, here’s our advice.

Change Your Recruitment Strategy

Throughout this guide, we’ve focused on students and those who are leaving the business through their own choice. However, this isn’t the only reason for a departure…we can hire poorly too.

Rather than taking anybody and everybody in the business, refine your recruitment policy and only hire the best candidates. If you want to reduce the number of contracts you cancel after the trial period, this is the best way to go. It’s the old adage; ‘do it right or do it twice’.

First things first, go for candidates with experience. Not only will this reduce the amount of time you spend on training, they also know the job and its sometimes-demanding nature (there’s less of a culture shock). Especially for supervisor and managerial positions, make sure they’ve worked in the restaurant industry previously.

For the lower roles, they may not have experience in a restaurant but anything in hospitality is useful. As long as they show an understanding of the required skills, they should fit nicely into the business.

Contact References

If you aren’t asking for references, you’re making a mistake. If you aren’t contacting them, you’re making an even bigger mistake. References aren’t just random numbers on the page, they’re your way of learning exactly how a candidate works and will add to the team. Even after interviewing somebody and getting a great feeling about them, due diligence will always serve you well.

In total, we recommend asking for at least two references and then following up the interview by contacting them. Here are some questions you can ask for a candidate we’ve named for the sake of ease;

  • How was it working with Jen?
  • Did Jen ever call in sick or not turn up to work?
  • What’s Jen’s biggest quality and area for improvement?
  • Has Jen ever dealt with problematic customers?
  • How did Jen get on with colleagues?

If possible, you can also talk with one of their peers because this will give an insight into their day-to-day motivation, working habits, and more.

Think Carefully About Questions

Whenever we think of a job interview, an image of an awkward encounter comes to mind; in this setting, no candidate can really portray what they can add to the business and you don’t even learn anything. Therefore, try to keep it casual while thinking carefully about what to ask. Rather than having a question and answer format, try to have a conversation and steer the conversation towards the topics you want to cover. By following this technique, you get your answers while also seeing if there’s a connection.

In terms of the questions themselves, don’t just look up common questions online, base them around your business and the role available. Talk about what can happen on an average day and ask how they would handle this. Furthermore, we always suggest asking two major questions;

  • Why they chose you.
  • Their plans for the future.

If they chose you for the money or another reason that suggests they won’t stay long, choose another candidate.

Offer Development Opportunities

As soon as somebody feels over-qualified for their position, two things happen; 1) they lose their passion for the job and the company and 2) they look for positions elsewhere. Whenever an employee feels under-appreciated, or as though they would be better than the current supervisor or manager, this is where rifts can arise.

As we’ve noted before, employees need to feel as though all their hard work is contributing towards something; they don’t want to work for the sake of it. Therefore, make the path clearer for them. Not only should you explain their potential path, you should set goals and check in with them frequently to discuss performance and development.

If there’s no spot open for them, you can still keep them motivated with on-the-job training. Keep them informed about industry news, new additions to the menu, and advice on increasing tips or cooking a dish slightly better. People either want to progress or learn while they’re waiting, don’t let a skilled employee walk away by forgetting this.

Promote from Within

There’s no better manager than somebody who has worked for your restaurant, knows how everything works, and has already shown their commitment and desire to progress. Additionally, they know their colleagues (and vice versa!). Why risk disruption by hiring externally when you can encourage a smooth transition with somebody already in the team?

Sometimes, this won’t be an option, but you could still encourage employees to recommend somebody. With an incentive program, they’ll recommend reliable friends and family members. In truth, employee referral programs are growing in popularity. Everybody wins because the employees get a familiar face as a colleague, the business gets a reliable recommendation, and the customers enjoy the family atmosphere this creates.

Start Conducting Exit Interviews

Why are your staff leaving? There’s no better way to answer this question than by asking people directly. Often, you’ll find that a parting member of staff is willing to discuss their time with the company honestly. Even just sitting down with them for 20 minutes, the information you glean can be invaluable. If turnover is especially high, there could be an underlying issue and parting staff have the freedom of being honest now that they’re leaving.

Have you ever lost one employee which then snowballed into losing three or four? Well, this is common, and it’s the reason you should communicate with those left behind. When a popular employee leaves, have conversations with the team and address any concerns that arise.

Delegate and Trust the Team

Finally, there’s something else employees need to stay with a business; trust and responsibility. As soon as you pass responsibility down the chain of command, there’s suddenly an attitude that everybody is pushing towards the same goals; they also get a sense of purpose from their job.

Often, people think delegation only moves down to the bottom, but this isn’t true. If you aren’t willing to throw on an apron and wash some dishes when the going gets tough, you may have lost sight of your goals. Remember, your staff aren’t hired to serve you, they’re hired to serve customers; you’re not immune from this.


There we have it, a full and frank look at the problem of staff turnover for restaurants. Whenever you hire, you’re taking a risk; you can’t guarantee that they will stay longer than a day let alone many years. However, there are some things you can do to reduce this risk and we’ve explored them in detail today.

Though you can’t worry about things out of your control, you can take responsibility for the factors that are in your control. If you invest in your staff, provide them with a clear path of progression, and give them responsibility, they’re far more likely to value you as an owner or manager and go that extra mile for the company.